10 on 10 for April

Spring is a season of change. Growing. Beginnings. Spring is color and light and the promise of warmth. This spring, Ian discovered Pokemon cards as his class is all into collecting and trading them. He talked me into helping him start a collection. We got a binder and plastic sleeves and a starter deck. Then he tried teaching me how to duel.

Our game didn't last long since the rules kept changing in his favor. I played along through, because, well, his smile!

New eager green leaves changed the shape of shadows in the backyard.

We stayed home for most of spring break. Explored locally which always has new places to discover. We had a picnic where Ian insisted on noodles instead of a sandwich. This boy and noodles :)

10 Lifestyle Photos for Arpil | Lenkaland Photography
10 Lifestyle Photos for Arpil | Lenkaland Photography
10 Lifestyle Photos for Arpil | Lenkaland Photography
10 Lifestyle Photos for Arpil | Lenkaland Photography

Ian brought his astronaut along for the adventures. He lost the little camera piece on the trail back to the car. We used the photo for reference and actually found it among the weeds and rocks!

10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography
10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography

Chewie got his first haircut. We could see his eyes again! Not for long, it's already shaggy two weeks later :)

10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography
10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography
10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography
10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography

We took advantage of clear days to bring the kite to the park. Anika got it all of the way to the end of the string, so it was only a speck in the sky. Then she learned the challenge of winding all that thread back onto the spool :)

10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography
10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography


10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography
10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography

Anika and her pup. She adores this dog. And he adores her, which I adore :)

10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography
10 Lifestyle Photos for April l | Lenkaland Photography

Ian needed Anika to have Pokemon to play with him. And I guess she had a secret wish for her own collection for years and years. What? So we had to get her a binder and sleeves and a starter deck.

I even got a training deck for them (a big deal because we are broke-broke). It helped for a day. Until Anika realized that the rules were still skewed a bit towards Ian and he called her a 'cheater' if she started winning the match. I need to sit and really figure out all the layers of the game. Until then, they're back to collecting for the sake of collecting, which is fun too.

I played with free-lensing while they played Pokemon. I like this new way of documenting our world!

10 Lifestyle Photos for Arpil | Lenkaland Photography
10 Lifestyle Photos for Arpil | Lenkaland Photography

I hope that spring found new beginnings for you, too!

This post is part of our monthly gathering of photographers sharing images of family life. Find more inspiration with Carey this month. Her ever-lovely images feature light, movement, and so much laughter and love. Click here to visit her ten images for April.

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.


Real Life Begins


Thirteen Looks Good at the Trampoline Park