Memorial Day and Caterpillar Adventures

First of all, thank you to the veterans and soldiers out there.  We owe our world to you!  Thank you thank you! The weekend was mellow for us.  Why do I say that?  Not really.  Not if you count the gardening, digging, housecleaning, and laundry-folding of it all :)

I mean mellow in that we stayed home and kept our adventures low key.  We planted an herb garden, which is huge for us.  We've lived here for three years and one summer I was pregnant and the next Ian was crawling and eating every bit of gravel he could find, so this is the first summer in a long time where I can enjoy outside.  We fixed up a few beds with some flowers and tomato plants.  Then we were inspired to create an herb garden with basil, cilantro, and chocolate mint.  Yummy cooking at our house (though not with all of the herbs at once :)).

I am paying for the fun with a sore back, though.  Oh, well, the price of adventure . . .

On Sunday, Grandma and Deda had us over for a barbecue.  Anika found a cute fuzzy caterpillar. She made it a home in a paper cup and drove it in the back of a toy truck.  I thought the poor thing was doomed.  She would bring it to school on Tuesday for sharing, she said.  I would do my best, but who can stand in the way of a curious scientist-kid?

Then, an hour later.  I'm going to let him go, she said.  And she did.  I was proud of her.  Not often a seven year old can resist the temptation of a cute, fuzzy caterpillar.

We had a wonderful night with delicious food and good times.  My favorite quote of the night came from Anika.  You know that part of the night when we all come and sit on the couches and everyone gets calm and tells stories?  That's my favorite part.

Mine, too.

Oh, and I've been having such fun with flower pictures- I created a gallery for my favorites here.

Loving the garden!

We're so inspired, we may build a raised bed for planting more fruits and veggies.  Gonna be a yummy summer!

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.

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