
September means CMT Awareness Month! In the past, I have blogged every day to help raise awareness. This year will be different. My hands are fussing this year. And life is asking a lot of my time and energy. Change is good, right?

This year, my idea is to share Images of CMT. I want to take my camera and notice the little things along the way. Mostly benches :)

Seriously, my life with CMT slows me way, way down. I have studied cracks in the pavement and listened to the whoosh of a river flowing past as I waited for friends to return from a hike. I have watched and waited.

I have not paid attention to the visual journey with CMT, so I think it will be interesting to explore and share. So far, this month I have been trying to rest. I am starting exercise/activity again. I don't have any adventures planned, yet, but Ian's fortune may have something to say about that :)


So far we went from swimming and a lovely barbecue on Sunday...

To thunderstorms the next day. I hope that isn't a prediction for the month!

Although, the rain gave us a perfect reason to walk around with colorful umbrellas once the lightning and thunder had passed :)


This month I will also be helping over at CMT Clicks, where we have some exciting posts planned. And we do intend to post every day over there!

For anyone new to my story or this blog, CMT is the most common inherited neuropathy. Which means that 1 in 2500 people is born with CMT. Our genetic differences cause our nerves to degrade which then causes challenges with balance, weakness, and coordination. CMT does not have treatment or a cure. Physical therapy and wearing braces can help. Everyone has their own journey with CMT. This is mine :)

And here is my current soundtrack :). I am loving this music. And even though one talks about walking, which can be a big challenge, I still love the energy. Moving ever-forward :)


*please note, these are affiliate links for your convenience :)

I hope your day is great :)

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.



Days at the Fair