Welcome to the fair. Our county fair is a big community event. And a true country fair. All under towering pines, scented with corn-dogs and cotton candy, loud with blasting music and live shows and monster truck rallies. Very fun. And busy!

We had to go the day before for the bunny-judging. Yes, Pumpkin the bunny was in the fair again. He doesn't show well because he has scattered white hairs through his dark coat. The rabbits are judged like a dog show, measuring each bunny against the breed standard. We knew he wouldn't do well based on previous years, but he needed to appear so he could be in the costume contest with Anika on Friday (more on that later). We cheered when Pumpkin didn't place last (he placed 7th out of 10). :)

This is our style lately. Ian wears pajamas. Everywhere.

Anika is very patient with her brother. Nice photo-bomb, Ian!

This is Anika's favorite- the bunny costume contest. She and I sewed together earlier in the week. I taught her how to use the sewing machine. She loved it! We sewed the felt watch, hat, and invitation by hand. Can you guess their costume?

He isn't white, but he's from Wonderland! Anika was Alice and he was the Rabbit. Precious :)

The costume contest is for bunnies and chickens. They have categories like Humor, Look Alike, and Enchanting. Anika and Pumpkin were Enchanting.

They won Best of Show! Yay, Anika! Yay, Pumpkin!

Then we enjoyed the fair. Crazy rides, games, and stuffed animals...

Our fair is a forest-fair. Pine trees tower over the midway.

Anika and Ian love the rides! Anika enjoyed her big-sister role. She was even too tall for some rides for the first time. She was patient (again) with Ian, going on rides with him.

She did find friends for awhile and went to the thrill-rides with them.

Our favorite show this year was the Birdman, bringing his rescued birds to share with eager audiences. This is a Battler Eagle.

And a Andean Condor. This species in endangered and he helps raise birds that can be released into the wild. What a mighty, beautiful bird!

Anika won a prize playing midway games with her friends! A treat since we usually steer away from the games :)

Anika and Ian both loved the giant slide this year. They raced coming down, pushing with their hands to go faster and faster...

Ian had a theme in his ride choices. Anything orange :)

Anika liked powder blue. She won't fit on these rides for much longer!

Orange jet-boat.

We found friends- a big part of the fair. The minute you get in the gates, you put on social networks, "Who's here?" then meet up with friends new and old. We found Ian's friends from his first daycare. They played as toddlers, and now they are playing again.

Anika was a good sport. Again. Love this girl :)

After the sun went down, we all had to go on the giant Ferris Wheel. Anika, Ian and I rode up towards the stars and down again.

Beautiful views up there :)

Anika chose the sparkly purple hat for her Tooth Fairy savings. It has little lights embedded along the sequins. I wanted one for myself :)

The last fun was funnel cake with strawberries. Lots of people had the same idea, but it was worth the wait! All warm and sweet and gone-too-fast :)

Another memorable year at the fair!

And I just realized that I have another batch of photos with the horses and pony ride and miniature donkeys. Lenkaland is going to get a lot more posts in the near-future :)

I do need to write a post about managing CMT symptoms in places like the fair. The fair pushed my limits for sure. But I did have a couple tricks that made exploring and enjoying the fair a little easier. Soon, soon :)

Best wishes!

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.


CMT Awareness Month Begins!


Inspiration and Distraction