Inspiration and Distraction

What a fun summer. Each day I am inspired to be here. Now. With the adventure in my backyard or travels. Which is wonderful. And distracting from my plans to share the adventures.

What have we been doing in Lenkaland?

Ian is learning to swim. Really swim. Head underwater, diving for toys, floating on his back swimming. This photo as the beginning of summer. He only wears the life-vest in deep water now. Growing boy!

I had the best birthday celebration! With cousins, barbeque, and night swimming. Treasured treats to commemorate this journey. Many more ahead, I hope :)

My cousin, Monika stayed with us for a week. The kids were delighted!

We decided to take photos. Wake-up-early-in-the-morning-to-catch-the-light photos. So worth the alarm clock!

We sewed little treasures for an International Trade Book Show. The children showed their love of sequins and bright colors :)

We had a few photo shoots. We wandered the high school campus and found all sorts of interesting locations. The stories that we created as we took photos were fun and funny and interesting...

Even the sky inspired us! I love this image on Monika before a staggering wall, with the scattered soft clouds overhead. This image wants a story for sure...

Then Anika stunned me. Just stunned. With this image of her teen-age self looking at me through her young eyes. I see the future. And right now. And I am stunned. I said that already but it's so true!

We went camping and visited the beach for a family reunion. I got to see most of my cousins! An awesome treat, when we get together. I am in the bright flower skirt. This was our "Assemble!" pose :)

And the family. Forty-four and we were missing a few in the photo (like my brother and his family). My grandparents had seven children. The magic keeps growing!

In the evening, a crazy flock of birds discovered a school of fish near the shore. They kept swooping towards us- the seagulls and pelicans and small black birds I couldn't name. Until the sky was alive and the water covered with wings. A spectacle of squawking and splashing...

This has been a summer of Minecraft, too. Lots of building and creating and creepers.

We visited the big trees on the day after the beach.

The reunion remembered my beloved grandparents with a plaque by the seashore. Saying good-bye is so difficult. They gave us so much joy in togetherness and family. They are dearly missed...

At home again, we went to the Children's Festival in a local park. This fantastic event celebrates magic and crafting. Rescue owls are brought to inspire the children to conserve our natural world.

One highlight is a giant, found-materials dragon that breathes real fire...

Ian made wood swords and got orange lighting bolts painted on his cheeks. A fantastic time for a wild-child :)

Then we took our yearly family trip to the mountains above Tahoe. I didn't hurt my ankle this year! Yay! I marveled at the big sky. We had a thunderstorm on Tuesday, and I even got to see streaks of lightning fork over the valley.

The skies inspired me...

And sunsets. Sunrises. Every day.

We visited Tahoe and collected little shells.

Or big sticks...

He is in a place of the Lost Boys, Max in Where The Wild Things Are. He is defiant, wild childhood and I love it. I want him to stay here forever. Or at least hold this feeling in his heart. That all things are possible with the right stick...

Anika has also been in a sweet summer. Enjoying creative games and long conversations with me. She loves her friends and family. She is my light :)

My hope is to dive back into sharing stories again. Not get lost in the day-to-day. We have the county fair this week and school begins next week. We always have something going on :)

And the slowing down is good for me. Reflecting on our time together is good. I enjoy choosing a few favorite photos to share. This inspires me.

I just need to stop getting distracted (ha!)

Until next time, I send you big wishes for a lovely summer (yes, I'm holding onto summer tight!)

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.

Days at the Fair


Waves and Days