I helped the kids set up a lemonade stand today. What an adventure!20120929-230518.jpg Anika had a friend over to play. Then the neighbor kids joined the fun. One stood on the corner and directed traffic to the lemonade stand. They even had lines of cars waiting for lemonade! Business was booming. Ian sat in the shade with his apple. He was in charge of quality control sipping lemonade :)

They sold a cup for $.50 and offered free apples from our apple tree. I wish I could have filmed the people stopping to buy a cup or two. I sat inside with my leg up (of course) but I could hear the goings-on outside. So sweet, the comments between children and grown-ups. Best lemonade I ever tasted and thank you, come again!

A real community game. They even made a little money. We are probably donating it to the school :)

While the kids played, I organized new beads for the season. Very exciting, the fall colors and acorn charms.20120929-231312.jpgI also finished the zombie and witch that I started earlier in the week. I am in love with the zombie-girl.20120929-231411.jpgShe will be tough for me to list in our Etsy shop, but I need to pay for those beads I shared earlier :)

I need to braid the witch's hair, then I will photograph her for you.

Meanwhile, I am in an emotional slump. We got a rate hike for my monthly insurance bill. I keep thinking the next news will be good news and it will be one day, right?

So hard to stay optimistic when the undertow is so strong. But I will. I must.

Oh, I did get some good news. My photo in Artist's World Magazine won for Best Photo-Realism. I got an award certificate. That's exciting. Can I add award-winning photographer to my biography? :)

Time for rest- this little smile will be up bright and early and ready to play!20120929-232224.jpgHappy weekend!

Lenka Vodicka

I am a photographer, writer, and crafter in the Sierra foothills. I am the bestselling author of the Forest Fairy Crafts books. I am a recent breast cancer survivor and I manage hereditary neuropathy (Charcot Marie Tooth or CMT). I live with my two teens, a black cat, two kittens, a bunny, and a furry little dog named Chewbacca. I enjoy adventures, creativity, and magic.


Last Day of September


Smile Friday